
Take a moment to look back on your educational career, all the way from kindergarten (or preschool) up until now. Who were your favorite teachers? Who made learning something fun rather than a chore? Who influenced you the most? 

Personally, one of my most influential teachers was my high school AP language and composition teacher, Ms. LaFramboise. Ms. LaFramboise’s class was the first AP class I ever took, and I found it very intimidating at first. I was afraid that I wasn’t really qualified or smart enough to be in that class, and I was afraid to voice my opinions and jump into class conversation. Ms. LaFramboise reassured me and told me that I belonged there, and her encouragement gave me the confidence I needed to be myself in class. Now, in part because of her, I’m an English major who talks passionately about literature and writing in classroom settings all the time. 

There are many stories similar to mine. Teachers can make or break a child’s educational experience, and they have the opportunity to be a light in the dark for the children who need it most. Being a teacher isn’t just about showing up to school, teaching planned lessons and calling it a day; it’s about thinking critically, transforming practice and promoting justice. It’s a high calling.

If you’re interested in giving back to the community by investing in the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, then George Fox’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program may be the right path for you. Our MAT program will prepare you to earn your Oregon Preliminary Teaching License and become a K-12 teacher anywhere in Oregon. In fact, you can get your teaching license after just one semester of student teaching and finish the rest of your course work remotely; we offer both virtual and in-person formats for your convenience.

We also offer special endorsements that will take your MAT degree to the next level, including reading, ESOL, and special education endorsements. These specialized skills are useful in all teaching environments, and they will significantly increase your market appeal.

What’s more, our educators are the best of the best. They all have significant teaching experience, and they know what it’s like to teach children and teens out in the field. They care about you and your future in education, and they’ll do everything in their power to make sure you have the skills to succeed. 

Lastly, you won’t be moving through this program alone. You’ll be placed into a cohort of 15 to 20 other MAT students whom you’ll get to know closely. Together, you’ll learn the ropes of education as you learn from your professors and each other. 

Ultimately, we just want to equip you with the technical skills and support you need to make a difference in the lives of students as you encourage them to pursue their goals. There are plenty of George Fox MAT alumni out in schools everywhere doing just that. One of them is Nick Luchterhand, the band director at Canby High School. 

“My favorite part about the George Fox MAT experience was that they approached my learning from a backwards design,” Luchterhand says. “They asked, ‘What is the end goal? What do you want to know, what do you want to learn, and what do you want to go out and do? And how do we make these classes fit your goal?’”

If you have questions about our MAT program, visit our website or reach out to admissions counselor Kipp Wilfong


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