Master of Divinity
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) program is a 72-credit-hour degree designed for the purpose of preparing women and men for roles as pastors, missionaries, chaplains, or other ministry leaders. The MDiv curriculum is designed to enable students to prepare for ordination, licensing, or recording.*
The MDiv program utlizes a hybrid, cohort-based delivery model, comprised of regular synchronous video conferencing sessions, asynchronous online coursework, and three in-person BridgeWeek intensive experiences.
The MDiv curriculum is developed around biblical studies and language resources, theological and historical foundation courses, leadership and pastoral studies courses, and spiritual formation courses. The MDiv Program will equip and form students to think with clarity like Christ, live with integrity in Christ, and serve with the heart of God for Christ.
*While the seminary provides training, denominations provide the process of ordination, licensure, or recording.
Degree Outcomes
Students will be equipped and formed to think with clarity as they:
- Engage Christian Scriptures in their historical and literary contexts using a variety of hermeneutical approaches and language resources in order to articulate them in faithful practices.
- Examine Christian historical and theological developments by investigating practices and beliefs of Christian traditions in order to enable faithful practices within diverse contemporary contexts.
Students will be equipped and formed to live with integrity as they:
- Deepen awareness of God, self, and others through formative practices in preparation for life-long personal and vocational flourishing.
- Cultivate their own healing in order to companion individuals and communities towards wholeness.
Students will be equipped and formed to serve with the heart of God as they:
- Develop theologically-informed leadership skills necessary to lead in diverse settings.
- Learn to order the life of the church through effective preaching and worship, pastoral care, and equipping God’s people for ministries of compassion and justice.
Admission Requirements
Applicants seeking admission to the MDiv program must hold a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university,† with a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, applicants must complete the following to be considered for admission to the program:
- Submit Portland Seminary application and application fee
- Submit one official transcript from each college/university attended
- Resumé
- Personal mission statement and statement of faith
- Three letters of reference (as specified in admissions materials)
- An interview may be required in some instances
†Applicants who do not hold a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university may apply to the seminary and will be required to submit additional documentation to be considered for admission.
Transfer Credit
Transfer of up to 36 hours of credit is allowed toward the MDiv program from ATS-accredited graduate schools. Students must have earned a grade of B or better for a course to be considered for transfer. Transferability of credits earned at this institution and transferred to another is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
Residence Requirements
Residence, as described in this section of the catalog, does not refer to the time a student spends on campus. It refers to the portion of a degree program that students are required to earn with Portland Seminary, as compared to transfer credits and credit applied as advanced standing. With regard to the MDiv program, students are required to complete half of the degree (36 semester hours) directly with Portland Seminary. A leave of absence is valid for up to one year, after which the student must reapply to the program. Reinstatement to the program after withdrawal requires Admissions Committee action and may subject the student to additional requirements for the degree.
Course Requirements
The MDiv program is generally three to four years in length, with 72 semester hours of coursework required as a minimum for graduation. Of those hours, 15 are in biblical studies courses, 3 in biblical languages, 18 in Christian history and theology, 12 in spiritual formation, 9 in pastoral studies, 9 in leadership, and 6 hours in professional development. Professional development hours will be used towards preparing for chaplaincy or continued ministry development.
The program requires participation in three ‘Bridgeweek’ face-to-face intensives.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate with the MDiv degree, students must:
- Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 72 semester hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Achieve no grade lower than a C- in all courses. If a grade lower than a C- is received, that course must be retaken (for more specific information, please refer to the student handbook).
- Fully participate in all required ‘Bridgeweek’ intensives.
- Successfully complete each milestone.
- Be recommended by the seminary faculty for graduation from Portland Seminary of 最新麻豆视频.
Other Degree Requirements
Curriculum Plan
Complete the following:
Complete the following:
Choose from the following:
Complete the following:
Complete the following:
Complete the following:
Students will take either the professional development courses or chaplaincy preparation courses.
Choose one of the following:
Professional Development Courses:
Chaplaincy Preparation Courses:
*Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) brings seminary students into supervised ministry with people in crisis. The heart of CPE is a ministry with people and learning from that ministry through reflection, discussion, and evaluation with other students and a certified CPE supervisor. CPE training centers are usually located in hospitals and medical centers.