Tent City
Each spring, sophomores pitch tents on the quad the night before Juniors Abroad selection day in anticipation of getting up early to stake their claim to their trips of choice. Tent City (formerly “Campus Campout”) for Juniors Abroad trips in 2026 is scheduled from 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 6, and will end with trip registration at 8 a.m. on Friday, March 7.
If you have questions about the event, contact Wendi Upjohn-Hankel at wupjohn@georgefox.edu.
Sign-Up Info
TENT CITY IS VOLUNTARY. If you do not wish to participate in Tent City, you will be placed at the end of the registration line. You line up at the side door in Stevens on the morning of March 7 and register on a first come, first served basis. You MAY NOT hold a place in line for others.
For those wishing to participate in Tent City:
- Gather a group of one to five people and designate a group leader.
- You may not be in more than one group.
- All groups must be finalized before registering the group with Student Activities on March 7th.
- You may sign up as an individual and be the sole member of your group/tent.
- Sign-ups will begin at 10am on Thursday, March 6 and will close at 4pm. Sign-ups will be filled out by a member of your group (does not need to be group leader).
- You will be assigned a number based on the order in which you line up. First come, first served.
- Tents MUST be set up by 5pm on Thursday, March 6, and taken down no later than 12 noon on Friday, March 7.
Tent City Rules

- Participating in Tent City and its associated activities is voluntary. You will only be placed at the end of the line for registration on Friday morning if you do not sign up ahead of time.
- Each group is required to provide their own tent.
- Tents may be set up anytime between 10am (after receiving your tent number from Student Activities) and 5pm on Thursday, March 6.
- Juniors Abroad registration will begin at 8 a.m. on Friday, March 7, at the side door to Stevens.
- Prior to registration in the morning, you will be given a top ten sheet where you will list your trip preferences.
- Tents must be taken down by noon on Friday, March 7.
- A minimum of one member must be present in the tent throughout the night. Otherwise, the group will be placed at the end of the line when it comes time to register for trips. Tent checks may happen!
- If needed, it is OK to abandon your tent during inclement weather.
- If a problem arises during Tent City, please report to a student activities team member or refer to the emergency contact listed provided below.
- Campus Public Safety: 503-554-2090
- Kara Holcombe: 503-961-2693