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Bruin Notes

Nicole M. Enzinger (education) contributed a chapter, “Integers as Directed Quantities,” to Constructing Number (Springer International Publishing), published this spring. Enzinger’s chapter on children’s thinking about integers is part of a book that synergies research across two disciplines: mathematics education and psychology.

Ed Higgins (English emeritus) published his poem “Reversal” in the print edition of the Spring 2019 issue of The Windhover: A Journal of Christian Literature, created by the English department at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

Mark David Hall (politics) coedited a book, America and the Just War Tradition: A History of U.S. Conflicts, published this spring (University of Notre Dame Press). The book examines and evaluates each of America’s major wars from a just-war perspective. Using moral analysis that is anchored in the just-war tradition, the contributors provide careful historical analysis evaluating individual conflicts.

Randy Woodley (seminary) contributed a chapter, “Poverty and the Poor in North American Indigenous Traditions,” to the book Poverty and the Poor in the World’s Religious Traditions: Religious Responses to the Problem of Poverty (ABC-Clio/Praeger Publishers). He also wrote a chapter, “Truth to Power: Daniel Chapter 3,” published in the book Unsettling the Word: Biblical Experiments in Decolonization (Mennonite Press).

Brian Doak (Christian studies) is publishing two books this summer, a monograph and a major coedited volume, both with Oxford University Press. Heroic Bodies in Ancient Israel examines the heroic world of ancient Israel within the Hebrew Bible, and shows that ancient Israelite literature operated within and against a world of heroic ideals in its ancient context.
In The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean, edited with Carolina Lopez-Ruiz, a wide range of scholars write summary studies on key historical moments, areas of culture, regional studies and areas of contact, and the reception of the Phoenicians as an idea, entangled with the formation of other cultural identities, both ancient and modern.

David Rawson (business) published a book, Prelude to Genocide: Arusha, Rwanda, and the Failure of Diplomacy (Ohio University Press), in the fall. Rawson, a former U.S. ambassador to Rwanda, was an active participant in the peace talks in the early 1990s and gathered materials from those years for the benefit of future historians. In his book, Rawson provides insight into what went wrong leading up to the tragedy.

Nathan Slegers (engineering) published the book Passover: The Story of Easter from the Beginning (Come Thirsty Ministry) in 2018. In it, Slegers explores the coherency of God’s plan of redemption from creation to the resurrection.

Guadalupe Garcia McCall (English) published a book, All the Stars Denied (Lee & Low Books Incorporated), in the fall. In a companion novel to her acclaimed Shame the Stars, Garcia McCall tackles the first mass deportation event that swept up hundreds of thousands of Mexican American citizens during the Great Depression, told through the perspective of a 15-year-old girl.

Melanie Mock (English) released a book, Worthy: Finding Yourself in a World Expecting Someone Else (Herald Press), in 2018. According to the publisher, the book “sifts through the shape and weight of expectations that press Christians into cultural molds rather than God’s image. By plumbing Scripture and critiquing the 10-billion-dollar-a-year self-improvement industry, Mock offers life-giving reminders that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Aida Isela Ramos (sociology) authored a book chapter, “A Changing Landscape: A Sociological Perspective,” in A Plentiful Harvest: Practices for Effective Ministry Among Latinos (Pathway Press), released in 2018.

Sunggu Yang (Christian studies) contributed chapters to two books in 2018: “A Three-Fold Homiletic Lesson from Dr. King’s Pastoral and Prophetic Preaching on Violence” was published in Preaching Prophetic Care (Wipf & Stock), and “The Promised Land: A Postcolonial Homiletic of Promise in the Asian American Context” was published in Homiletic Theology Project Vol. 3 (Wipf & Stock).

Roger Nam (seminary) published a chapter, “‘Half Speak Ashdodite and None Can Speak Judean’: Code-Switching in Ezra-Nehemiah as an Identity Marker for Repatriate Judeans and Koreans,” in Landscapes of Korean and Korean American Biblical Interpretation (SBL Press) this spring.
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