
Nursing Club

The purpose of the George Fox Nursing Club is to provide our members with the opportunity to identify with the nursing profession and to foster intellectual, educational, and spiritual growth related to professional nursing.

The Nursing Club is dedicated to providing support within our community and building fellowship within the College of Nursing.

Nursing Club Constitution and Bylaws (revised Spring 2019)

Men Entering Nursing (M.E.N.) Constitution & Bylaws (effective Fall 2024)

Current Club Officers


Allison Peck, apeck21@georgefox.edu

Payton Walker, pwalker21@georgefox.edu 

Vice President Kayla Evenhouse, kevenhouse21@georgefox.edu 
Secretary Abby Breeser, abreeser21@georgefox.edu 
Treasurer Payton Walker, pwalker21@georgefox.edu 

Faculty Advisor

Jodi Blankenship

Jodi Blankenship, MSN, RN

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Tim Yett

Tim Yett, EdD, MSN, RN, AMB-BC

Assistant Professor of Nursing


The Nursing Club hosts a variety of activities each year to support the community and engage in fellowship. In the 2021-22 school year, the George Fox Nursing Club has the following activities planned:

November 1st Blood Drive
January 28th @ 4:30 pm Club Officers Interest Meeting
February 18th @ 4:30 pm Nursing Specialties Panel
March Community Outreach
April 4th Blood Drive