Class Registration

Use the links below to learn more about managing your class registration tasks. Feel free to visit the Academic Dates and Deadlines page to get specifics on important dates in upcoming semesters.
Registering for Classes
Students are required to register for classes and be enrolled prior to attendance. You are expected to register online through within the time period designated on the university calendar to begin classes on the first day.
For instructions on how to register, see MyGeorgeFox Academic Instructions.
Academic Petition
An academic petition may be submitted by a student to request an exception to an academic policy or deadline.
Adding/Dropping Classes
For traditional undergraduate students, adding a class during the second week of the semester requires the consent of the instructor. The last day to add or drop courses is established on the academic calendar but is generally the end of the second week of the semester.
Internships/Special Study
Get details on independent study of subjects outside regular course offerings, as well as field experience/internships.
Pass/No Pass Option
An application form requesting that the grading basis for a course be changed from a letter grade to pass/no pass must be filed with the registrar's office no later than the end of the fourth week of the semester.
Special Student Registration
Special students are non-degree seeking students who want to register for a class without being formally admitted to the university.
Students may be waitlisted for a course that has reached maximum enrollment. If space becomes available in the course, the next person on the waitlist will be enrolled into the class. Not all courses allow waitlists and some restrictions apply.
Withdrawal from Courses
A student wishing to withdraw from a single course must complete the “drop classes” action available in the Manage Classes section in MyGeorgeFox before the withdrawal deadline.
Withdrawal/Leave of Absence
A student wanting to withdraw completely or take a temporary leave from the university needs to officially notify the university by completing the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form, which can be found in > Student Resources > University Forms.